Monday, July 9, 2012

Life As Dorje

I've been reblogging for a while now. Since like... 2008 maybe. But now, enough about me. Let's talk about me.

Check out my new lifestyle blog I just made called Life As Dorje.

Life As Dorje explores every cranny of my insane 1st generation immigrant mind and releases what flies between each synapse of my brain nerves. That was a little dramatic. But please check it out :)

I am Dorje Dolma and I am trying to change the world. I am a 22 year old college graduate as of May 2012 and looking to live and do government work in our capital or Baltimore, MD.

I am making it as an adult one day at a time, through trial and error, and I wish to share it with you. Maybe you can read my posts and avoid the mistakes I write about and navigate life with a bit more grace.


River Island Striped Jeans

Lisa Marie

Clear Clutches

Are you into the new trendy plastic and transparency?